Proposal Karya Tulis Akuntansi Pdf

03.02.2019by admin

Contoh Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Tentang Pendidikan Pdf ABSTRACT Determine the influence of health education on lectures and demonstration methods in increasing knowledge about breast cancer and SADARI practice skills (a study of female senior high school students of Futakyyah Mranggen Demak District). Method: This study used quasi experimental method with research design “one group pre test and post test” The samples are the students of SMA Futuhiyyah and taken by cluster sampling technique which got as many as 55 sample.The data obtained from questionnaires for knowledge and checklist for skill. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t test and wilcoxon test with α = 0,05 Result: The result of this research showed the difference of knowledge of female students about breast cancer between before and after counseling with z count as many as 6,456 (p value = 0,000), and there is a difference of student skill performing skill of breast self-examination with t hitungant 48,252 (p value = 0,000) BSE Learning to know student about breast cancer and SADARI practice skill in SMA Futuhiyyah Kabupaten Demak. Keywords: Health Education, Breast Cancer Knowledge, Practice BSE • • • • • • • • • • Incoming search terms: • journal contoh karya ilmiah tentang pendidikan.

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